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Writer's picture: Luxurious GlitterLuxurious Glitter

A couple of Friday’s ago (I know, late with the post!) I was thrilled to be attending a fab evening of food and entertainment alongside a very talented makeup artist friend of mine, Alexandra Sullivan.

Alexandra was holding a charity dinner to raise funds for the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation. She's an absolute superhero and with this charity night, has manage to reach her charity goal to run this year's London Marathon.

She’s an absolute superhero who's running the London Marathon for the same cause and thought a charity ball would be an extra event to boost donations for a charity that's means so much to her – and that it did.

It’s such a close to home charity for Alexandra and her family. Both herself and her sister were diagnosed with childhood liver disease at the age of 2. Thankfully, having had 3 liver transplants between them, they’re both still here.

The Children’s Liver Disease Foundation funds research into childhood liver disease. They also offer support and information to families whose young children are diagnosed with liver disease.

Liver transplants are not a cure to liver disease and the futures of children who have this are fairly unknown as currently, they are the first generation of children with liver disease to have survived into adulthood.

Alexandra’s personal quest is to reach the ripe old age of 100 years old (at least!), to make the most of the gift of life that's been given to her and to show just how amazing the gift of organ donation is and what it can truly provide to people in hers and other situations.

So, as soon as I heard the words yellow, charity and dinner, I was IN! I offered out the Luxurious Glitter Bar as part of her evening celebrations. I couldn’t turn down a great friend and an amazing cause and helping Alexandra raise a little more money and awareness to her cause.

The night was a huge success - full of fun and laughter. It was held at the beautiful Prested Hall in Colchester. The food was amazing, and might I add, they had the best vegan food range I've come across so far! As a non-dairy eater, I can say you wouldn’t even have known. The staff were super friendly and couldn’t wait to get involved and get glittered themselves (of course, who can resist?!)

All in all, Alexandra raised an incredible £1,782.67 that night and the glitter bar raised £100 towards that total.

We opened up the glitter bar after the raffle at 10.30pm and was glittering faces until midnight. And even then, the staff all came for a sparkle.

It was such a great addition to the dinner and I was so pleased to be able to help.

Please help me to spread awareness of organ donation and raise vital funds for further research into Childhood Liver Disease.

Please feel free to follow this small shameless link to help support Alexandra’s incredible cause:

Claire x



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